Example #1: Multi-language website
This example shows the management of a multi-language website through the URL. Use a middleware to load the current language file.
# application/routes/web.php
Route::get('/', function(){
// "Default" path. This is a good place to request a cookie, session variable or something
// that allows us to restore the user's last language, or display a language selection screen
// if no information is provided.
redirect(route('homepage', ['_locale' => 'en']));
Route::group('{((es|en|it|br|ge)):_locale}', ['middleware' => ['Lang_middleware']], function(){
Route::get('home', function(){
var_dump( ci()->lang->line('test') );
Route::get('about', function(){
var_dump( ci()->lang->line('test') );
# application/middleware/Lang_middleware.php
class Lang_middleware
public function run()
Obtaining the value of the "_locale" sticky parameter
$locale = ci()->route->param('_locale');
$langs = [
'es' => 'spanish',
'en' => 'english',
'it' => 'italian',
'br' => 'portuguese-brazilian',
'ge' => 'german',
ci()->lang->load('test', $langs[$locale]);